Saturday, December 20, 2014

10 Things I Do in Tanzania that I NEVER did in California!

I’ve been reflecting on how natural certain projects and routines have become to me, and then I realized it...  I’m a Crunchy Mom/Missionary.  If you’ve never heard that term, then don’t worry about it haha!

Without even meaning to, I’ve become a lot healthier and more natural than I’ve ever been or imagined being. So I’ve decided to share a list of just some of the things I do here in Tanzania that I never did in California - not out of necessity really, but more out of frugality.  

I want to make it clear that other women here don’t necessarily do the things that I do, and don’t really have to…these are simply my choices and ways of saving money.  I don’t want to give the impression that we rough it here so much that we have to make our own butter or anything…although some choose to (we're all learning our way forward which is great). Contrary to many people’s ideas of Tanzania (or Africa in general), many things are readily available in the cities, but they often come at a high cost (literally expensive). 

Okay, enough on that, let’s get to the good stuff. In no particular order:

1. Cut my own hair… 
9 inches to be exact.  There is a missionary here who is a hairstylist, but she was out of the country and I needed a cut desperately, so I watched YouTube and BAM… risky I know, but it was worth it.

2. Make a Christmas tree…
bare, empty branches, duct tape (always does the trick), christmas lights, local fabric & ornaments.

3. Boil water for bath time (and some showers)…
we have electric water heaters on our shower heads, but they don’t always work and the electricity has to be on which isn’t consistent at all. 

4. Boil water for dish washing…
no electric heaters on the sink or hot water in the house

5. Make my own face wash…
it’s more natural and cheaper to use ingredients here than ship a ton from the states. (it’s main ingredients are honey and coconut oil)

6. Make shampoo and body wash…
mostly for Zoey because they don’t have natural versions here, so I bought a large bottle of Castille soap in liquid and make it myself…saved room for the move here.

7. Use cloth menstrual pads…
that's right, no tampons here. And they take up too much space in luggage for a year or two’s worth in my opinion.  I NEVER imagined doing this, and I’m aware it seems disgusting…just call me a pioneer woman.  We’ll see how long this lasts lol.

8. Cook spaghetti sauce (and lots of other foods) from scratch
if you know me, I’m not a big fan of cooking so this is a stretch for me…apple sauce, tomato sauce, cake batter, and the list goes on.

9. Buy milk from a pickup truck…
once a week Zoey and I go bring an empty oil jug and pay to have it filled with local cow’s milk…and then pasteurize it when we get home.

10. Use glass coke bottles for candle holders and decorations…
there’s nothing a little fabric or string can’t cover up and make a cute design…you learn to be creative with little resources, which is my kind of crafting!

There are probably tons more that I just don’t even think about any more…so I’ll leave it for next time.  You may think I’m crazy, but it’s kind of fun to try new things, and I’m glad to be raising Zoey with a more natural lifestyle!