Friday, March 21, 2014

Learning to Be OKAY with Just Me!

I don't
         make lavish looking meals...or very tasty ones for that matter
                      keep my apartment looking spick and span
                                 have any outstanding talents
                                           I'm just me!

And I'm learning to be content with that.  The internet is FULL of people, especially moms, who share all of their accomplishments through photos, descriptions, advice, etc.

My point is not to disregard women who are extremely talented in various ways...I just often find myself measuring up to their standards and finding myself


quite inadequate.

I'm not looking for praise or affirmation.  Nor am I being a Negative Nelly lol!  Just trying to be real and encourage others who may feel the same.  I'm not horrible at the things I've listed above...just mediocre.  And that's OKAY!

Jesus sought out the forgotten, meek, and marginalized people.  While I wouldn't say that I am forgotten, our society would label me meek, and almost unvalued.

But if I'm going to Tanzania to reach out to these same people as Jesus modeled for us, then I must believe that He can use little ole' meek me.

And maybe that's just it.  Maybe God has given me the gift of relating to people.  And although this is not easily measured or visible to others, I am learning to be content with this.

May we all learn to accept God's love and grace, without performance or trying to live up to standards.  I pray that you will discover that He loves us just for being His creation...His child...and for chosing to follow His son Jesus!  Blessings to all of those fellow Mediocre Moms.

And learning to be OKAY with just who God has created us to be!

(And now off to comfort my crying, teething baby, and let that be enough!)

(Looking like a put my Zoey's needs first and I'm proud of it!)

PS.  Thanks Mark for loving me through thick and thin, no matter what I do or don't do!  You model God's grace and love so well! XOXO