Saturday, September 28, 2013

Evernote: Keeping My Scattered Mind Organized!

Many of you who know me can totally understand that I have a scattered mind and have a hard time remembering things...and that's why Evernote is great for me.  It allows me to compartmentalize my life in a simple, easily-accessible way!

Here are reasons to use Evernote:
  • It's one location for storage of multiple types of information: personal notes, weblinks, etc.
  • Private collaboration tool
  • Accessible on any device, whether online or offline (PC, Android, Apple...etc)
  • Stored in a cloud…no need to worry about losing information if your device crashes
  • Presentation Capabilities
  • Can create Audio Notes
  • Can easily make notes on websites
  • It's Free!!

How to get started:
  1. Download the app on all devices and web clipper to laptops/desktops by clicking here!

     2.     Create an account

     3.     Start notebooks and notes

     4.      Use the Web Clipper to capture websites, with options of marking up the page, choosing just the text, part or the whole web page.  To do so, visit a website and click on the web clipper                     and a panel on the right will appear with your options.  Play around and have fun with it!

     5.      Check out this short video tutorial I created to give you a demonstration of how I organize my notebooks and use the web clipper.  If you have any questions about this tool, please post a                   comment below and I'll try to answer it the best that I can!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Awkward Confessions of a Pregnant Lady

Mommy Graphics

Life Lesson #1: Don't be so bullheaded and buy yourself a friggin bra that's not worth the agony to save money by using rubber bands to expand the width.

How did I come to learn this lesson, you might ask?  Here's my story:

So I was at work the other day, visiting one of the elementary schools to help teachers with technology questions, just doin my job...when suddenly an awkward discomfort began throughout my back and my chest.  I thought to myself, I AM in my third trimester now...maybe this is just what everyone complains about.  So I head to the bathroom for the umpteenth time that morning, head into a stall, and whimsically take my bra off...
AWWWW...instant relief!

Now imagine, I'm in the bathroom, without my purse or anything to hide my bra in, as to head back across campus...but the pain relief is too wonderful to bother with this piddly dilemma.

I was wearing a dress with a busy pattern, which allowed for enough distraction for people to hopefully not notice my lack of bra, so I decide to stuff my bra in my underwear.  As I wash my hands, I think to myself "I sure hope no one stops me or asks me a question on my way back to my desk..." such high hopes!  Fortunately, I jetted my way back, dodging a few potential threats (aka teachers in need).  I slyly ducked myself out of view, reached under my dress, pulled the bra out of my undies and tucked it deep down into my purse.  Sheer Success!!!

I enjoyed the rest of my day braless: talk about being professional!  And you know what?  I could care less!

Just a typical day in Brittany Sherman's shoes...and I'm not exaggerating!  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Nesting Time: Making a Cushion Cover for Baby Basket

Throughout my 2nd trimester, I have been in a crafty mood!  I love to try and make things on a tight budget...which doesn't always bring the highest quality, but usually whatever I make does the trick.
Below, you will see the steps I took to make a cushion cover for my Moses basket (my parents held on to my basket from my baby days)!  

I bought Jersey Cotton fabric, which is stretchy material.  I used the original cushion as a guide for the shape, and cut roughly 6 inches around all the edges.

I pinned the sheet where I wanted the seam, but had to cut slits around the curves to keep the material from overlapping.  When in doubt, check out this Youtube video, like I did :)

With my old 1970's sewing machine, I made the seam.

I left about an inch of the seam undone so that I could pull the elastic through the hem.  I just made a rough estimate on the length of the elastic and attached one end to a safety pin to help pull it through.

To add some extra padding, I found some iPad shipping foam at work in the junk room.

I placed the four pads together and duck taped it to secure it.

I had to add 2 small pieces, one at each end, to complete it and cut it to round out the edges, like the original cushion.

I completed the sheet by placing the original cushion on top and the homemade one on the bottom, and pulled the cover over it.

Can't wait to see our little Zoey in this soon!