Thursday, November 21, 2013

She said WHAT?

I was headed to the 3rd floor of Kaiser for my weekly doctor visit, when another woman stepped into the elevator with me.  Glancing at my belly, as everyone does these days, she began asking about how far along I was.  After I answered her, she asked me if I was excited.  Odd question to ask, I thought to myself, because if I wasn't happy about my situation, would I really express that to a total stranger? So I explained that I was very excited, but apologized for my lack of enthusiasm, which was due to my migraine.  The conversation ended, as she exited the elevator and commented "I had very easy pregnancies.  Bye."

WHAT?  That's it?  No empathy whatsoever?  It was comical to me that she could be so blatantly rude, but at the same time I had had it with the many weird comments I received lately, which gave me a sense of bitterness.  "How dare she say that," I repeated in my head.

This feeling lasted a few days, until God reminded me of His grace towards me.  And I realized in that moment, that I have probably said many an awkward comments in the past, without even realizing it. A flood of emotions came as I experienced shame, confessing my imperfections to my loving Jesus, and then joy and peace settled as I soaked in His grace that He freely gives.

May we always remember our inequities so that we may extend Christ's grace to others.

"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you" (Colossians 3:13, NIV).

1 comment:

  1. Very well said...I say things all the time that I later am sorry for. She may have said the same thing to her self as she walked away, but couldn't do anything about it. I thank Him daily for His grace, pray that I in turn have grace for others and they for me. (I need it!) :)
