Saturday, March 21, 2015

Tales of a Pregnant Woman Living Abroad: Part 1

Here I am, eating cold mac and cheese leftovers and I just can’t help but think about how unmotivated I’ve been lately…to do really ANYTHING, to be quite honest.  Hence, the lack of posts recently.  

This pregnancy had a rough start.  To start off, the day I found out we were going to have another baby was Valentines Day, which was so awesome…but I had 3 boils under my armpit that were causing tons of pain for the prior week and I couldn’t get any chores done around the house without getting a migraine…my shoulder had been propped up from the pain of my boils because I couldn’t shut my arm, which was the source of my migraines…or so I thought.

Here's a sneak peak of one of our Time Lapse photos!
Then ALL DAY sickness kicked in not but 2 days after I found out and I had several migraines…needless to say I threw up a ton.  So, my survival mode kicked in as I just laid on the couch while Zoey would play in the living room.  Most ideals went out the window as I started making peanut butter and honey sandwiches for Zoey, watching movies with her daily while I lived off of coke and chips. 

The heat has been inescapable and electricity has been very poor, so I’m lucky to have a working fan at night when it's working, which I am completely dependent on for a good night’s sleep.  And to top it off, none of the foods I have been craving are available here…NONE!  Yes, I could make some, but with my nausea, that ain't happening.

Oh yeah, cleaning mushy, poopy diapers while trying not to throw up is a memory I hope to forget someday lol!

But….I’m beginning to see a beam of light at the end of this tunnel. And it feels wonderful to have some energy and a little of an appetite. Sure my migraines are worse and more frequent, but at least I can have some good days in between.

And I do have to add that while I thought having a 1 year-old while pregnant would be more of a challenge than anything, I have found Zoey to be my joy MOST days. She has such a fun, vibrant personality, with of course the common tantrum here and there, but I've loved being able to put more focus on her and less on me.  I just hate having her see me throw up...not my proudest moments.

Reflecting back, I’m always disappointed with my attitude in the midst of the pain.  I don’t know why I always feel grumpy and sorry for myself when I have so much to be thankful for.  So here’s to a new trimester…may the Lord strengthen me and help me to choose Joy in the everyday little things, while reminding me of all of the good things He is doing!


P.S. I want to mention that I am so very aware of the hardships that Tanzanian women must face here when pregnant and my heart aches for them.  I don't think I have it harder, but felt some would like to hear the perspective of a pregnant expat in Tanzania.  

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