Friday, April 17, 2015

A Family Update

As many of you have seen or heard, our little Zoey fractured her leg and is now wearing a cast.  All it took was a simple fall a week ago for it to happen.  She immediately went back to crawling because of the pain she felt every time she put her foot on the ground.   If it weren’t for my aunt, we wouldn’t have pushed to get x-rays because we assumed it was minor and that she was more afraid than anything.

It’s so weird watching your little 1 year old as a cast is put on her leg, when neither Mark or I have experienced this for ourselves.

It’s been difficult trying to go to different appointments, as our car has been broken down for the week, but we have wonderful friends who have been our taxis and helped us out. 

We also had a great experience with all of the doctors and technicians involved as they were so caring and loving towards Zoey, which eased our minds as parents.  Her attitude and playfulness also helped us keep our strength, along with God’s overwhelming love and grace for us. 

As far as my pregnancy goes, I am doing much better with less nausea throughout the week and a little more energy and strength.. I even manage to get a few workouts done during the week.  I am now at 15 weeks, give or take a little. My only struggle now is my migraines, which come exactly every 10 days, but fortunately they are at least predictable and are usually at night so I can at least rest in bed.

Mark has also had many migraines that have lasted for 3 or more days at a time, on his left side from shoulder and neck pain.  We hope to get things checked out in the states because I’m thinking it’s a pinched nerve.  We could definitely use your prayers for his health, along with the rest of us. 

In spite of his health, Mark has been doing some amazing things, speaking into people’s lives at churches, encouraging pastors at their bi-weekly meetings, helping build the girl’s home and being and interim administrator at Hope International School.

Amidst the craziness, God is still moving and using us even when we don’t recognize it.  While I get tunnel vision during the hard times, I look back throughout our lives and see how awesome God is. We serve a mighty God and I don’t want to ever forget that!


  1. Praying for you and your amazing family!

    1. Thanks so much Nicole! We have already seen God strengthening us this past week, although we still need to see Mark healed!
