Thursday, January 14, 2016

Beautiful Pain: A Labor Story

Candlelight, soft music, fireplace, the scent of lavender…you would have thought we had walked into a day spa. Only I was in pain.

It was the beginning of a fairly short journey through labor. I was 11 days late and had my membranes stripped a few days before my real contractions started. As soon as I felt them begin, I “Called the Midwife” (I always wanted to say that after starting one of my favorite shows). My mother-in-law came over to watch Zoey and with bags packed already, Mark and I headed down to San Diego for a 45 min drive to the birth center.
I HAD HOPES of being far along in dilation and wishful for a quick labor, since this was my second. However, I was disappointed to find out I was only at about 1 1/2 centimeters. The midwife was surprisingly encouraging in that she knew she could use techniques to move things right along. She was simply AMAZING. Although she did strip my membranes again (ouch), she massaged my shoulders and neck, used acupressure points, helped me tilt the baby in place, and cooled me down with lavender ice water. She made me feel so comfortable, and with Mark as my support as well, things went really smoothly (despite the pain). My friend and doula also came towards the end as I labored in a warm bathtub.
Similar to my first delivery, the midwives had to switch shifts and I ended up with a less encouraging and supportive one, but I had the rest of my time on my side. While I don’t remember specific time segments, I do recall feeling extremely restless and thought to myself “I’ve tried drug-free, natural birth before and proved it to myself..why am I doing this again?” I had so many weak points and felt like I was out of control. Everyone kept telling me how great I was doing and how calm I was, but I kept thinking to myself that they are just saying that to encourage me. Nothing inside of me felt calm…I wanted to die lol! I knew I had to push through but didn’t think I had the strength.
This was all during Transition, of course, when you feel like giving up. At this point I hadn't progressed much and they didn’t want to check me again, but once again like my previous birth, my body was telling me I was ready. It was obvious too, as I stood in the bathroom, naked and unable to control the pushing sensation. My husband was amazing, as he supported my body weight while I peed, bled and even pooped a little on the floor.
After finally being convinced, the midwife checked me one more time and discovered I really WAS ready! So my team helped me to the tub, where I desired to deliver the baby. With shaky legs and little strength, they helped me through the last 30 mins or so of contractions until I began to push and felt my baby’s head!!! I cried out to Jesus for strength to push through, and long and behold, I helped pull my baby out and onto my chest! It was a tie for the most precious moment of my life! {the other being with Zoey of course}
Grace Evangeline Sherman had finally arrived. Full of wonderful feelings for the new love in my life as I laid next to another one (my hubby), I stared at my new daughter while they stitched me up from tearing. They gave us an hour or two to bond with Gracie before finishing up examinations. After seeing that we were both extremely healthy and nursing well, they sent us on our way home…just 4 hours after delivery. I had a 9 or 10 hour labor, which beat my 62 hour labor from my oldest daughter Zoey! What an experience it was and I can’t say enough times how thankful I am to have experienced a water birth at a birth center. It was my dream birth and I would do it again….if I had to.
PS. I know this may be a bit TMI for some of you, but I am a transparent person, who thinks it’s important for reality to be exposed. Most people don't share the gruesome realities of labor, but they add to the beautiful and natural and painful thing called childbirth. We as women should not be ashamed…and that type of pain brings me to throw modesty out the door.

P.S.S. A HUGE thank you to my husband for all of his support throughout the pregnancy AND labor! He was so amazing, with all of my crazy moments! I love you Mark! And thank you to caring doula, Carly! You are an inspiring woman of God!

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