Thursday, June 9, 2016

So apparently I'm human

It’s no secret that I’m a fairly insecure person…always have been! And not afraid to admit it to people. In fact, I would rather tell people about it then let them discover it for themselves. I’m not sure why.  

It seems throughout my adult life, I have been surrounded by such intelligent, talented, artistic people who really have things all together.  And for some reason, I allow it to remind me of my failures and shortcomings.

Why can’t I just be more organized, a better cook, more adventurous, a more calm mom, not have anxiety with hosting people, BLOG MORE!!! The list goes on and on.  

I mean, I know I’m supposed to have it all together…being a missionary mom.  
But I just… DON’T.

And yet I’m really encouraged, as I’m reading the book “Unqualified” by Steven Furtick.  I’m reminded of the MANY “not good enoughs”, “don’t have it all together” type of people God used to do some pretty amazing things…ummm like Moses who rescued the slaves out of Egypt!  

I really resinate with the idea of being aware of your weaknesses and being transparent about them, but oftentimes feel misunderstood because I’m not the type to cover them up and look as if I’ve got things under control. 

But what I’m really hoping to learn is to not get hung up on my weaknesses and move past them to see that God isn’t bothered by them and can still use me.  Then I can only boast of His awesomeness, rather than my own talents and abilities - I’m the perfect candidate for that. 

So I’m looking forward to being confident in God’s view of me, knowing that life is simply a process of becoming more like Him rather than superhuman-like, Captain Awesome (yup, that was a “Chuck” reference lol)! I also hope that if this resonates with you as well, that we can all grow in this area together! Let me know if it does :)

My theme verse for many years has been:

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”          

2 Corinthians12:9-10

I’m learning that this verse not such a bad one to lean on after all.

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  1. Thank you so much Brittany!! I have been very much in this lately!! As a mom, as a wife and generally in life.

    (Love the Chuck reference!! Miss that show!!!

  2. Sending you love my friend! I think you are amazing, incredible, strong, and pretty much the best. Have grace for yourself- you are doing something really hard raising two little girls in a foreign country! And you are doing it so well :)
