Thursday, January 30, 2014

I Quit!

Yesterday I made it official.  I am a "Home Maker," "Stay at Home Mom," or whatever else you call it.

It was such a strange experience driving to work this morning, knowing that I was turning in my 3 weeks notice.  So surreal...and full of mixed emotions (although mostly joyful ones).  Walking in the office made me feel like I had been gone forever, and then at the same time like I had never left.  It was so great catching up with people and introducing Zoey to all of my friends and co-workers.  By the way, all went well with the news, or at least I think it did.

At one of many Ed Tech conferences with my colleagues/friends!

So now I get to invest most of my time in the BEST job in the world: raising my Zoey girl.  I'm so thrilled and honored to have this opportunity, full of gratitude and thanksgiving to God!

However, there are some sacrifices that this mama must make in order to do this.  Mark and I are certainly not well off enough to live a lavish (or even "normal") lifestyle.  I have always been a pretty frugal person, but I have to learn to cut back even more.  My iphone, for instance, has been traded for an "old school" (few years old) slider phone and will be turning in my laptop and iPad mini to my employers.  I have been spoiled working for an Educational Technology department with all the bells and whistles that come along with it.  Benefits that some of us take for granted will be out the door.  All of these mean nothing to me compared to the joy I will experience watching the milestones of my baby's life unfold before my eyes.

Sometimes the most beautiful and worthy things in life come at a price, a sacrifice, and even pain at times.  Jesus and His disciples modeled this well!

And just so you know, all I ever wanted to do before college was be a stay-at-home mom, and then that changed to the other extreme during and after college.  The last 5 years I never would have imagined trading in my independent and professional lifestyle to find spit-up all over my PJs, which I work in most of the time around the house, barely finding time to do my hair, wash my face, let alone take a shower.  Yes, I am not only embracing this new lifestyle, but loving most of it.  Oh man, sometimes I can't help but laugh at myself, for the shifts of thoughts and ideas I have had compared to the realities of life I have experienced.  Oh, how God must laugh even more!

Am I worried about losing my identity as a professional in the workforce?  A little...yet I know the truth in that my identity can only be found in my creator, God, who knows what is best for me and my family.  I still have so much more to learn what this looks like, but am looking forward to continuing on this path of discovery.

DISCLAIMER:  I don't mean to offend anyone by this post, especially those who are not able to make the decision I have made. I am very aware that each person's circumstances are different.

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;

    your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.
    Do not forsake the work of your hands.
                                                                   ~Psalm 138:8

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