Thursday, January 23, 2014

11 Things I Thought I'd NEVER Say or Do!

I am a stubborn woman sometimes, who loves to prove a point.  And believe it or not, even judgmental at times... yikes! Those of you who know me well can vouch to this.  This is even more true as I have embarked on this journey of motherhood, but God is always working on transforming us into His likeness, if we let Him.  Lately He has been teaching me to Never Say Never Again! Oh, how I have been humbled lately.

So here are the 11 Things I Thought I'd NEVER Say or Do:

1.  Have children.
     Read my blog post "I Will NEVER Have Kids" for understanding!

2.  Use my mouth to clean a filthy pacifier after picking up God knows what from the floor.
     I'm kind of a germ-a-phobe.

3.  Take a bath.
    My mom and hubby made me in order to heal my hemorrhoids. Yes, I do shower.  I just hate the     thought of sitting in my own filth...even since the age of 5, I was VERY aware of the hair and dirt that collected towards the back of the tub.  Hence, I would sit as close to the running faucet, since I was forced to take baths with not only myself...but with friends as a little kid. What were our parents thinking? I am fully aware that this too may be added to the list in the future.

4.  Compare myself to others.
     Through both lenses of how much I suck, and to be brutally honest, how I think I'm doing better than others.  Pride is a viscous thing...but so is insecurity! I have hopes to find the balance, through God's grace.

5.  Compare my baby to others.
     Ok, i get it now that all moms think their baby is the cutest.

6.  Enjoy breastfeeding. 
     Even in the middle of the night...although exhausted, I love to see my baby girl smile, knowing she is getting to eat soon. It's so fun cuddling her and watching her latch on, kicking her feet around and tugging on my shirt precious!

7.  Miss my baby after being away for even 10 minutes.
     Don't get me wrong, I love passing her around at get-togethers.  But I used to think moms were crazy when they missed their, don't you spend almost every minute of the day with them?  But guess what?  I do the same thing now lol!

8.  Embrace a natural labor.  
     Never in a million years would I have thought that I could endure giving birth without pain meds, until I was prego and ready to take on the challenge.  Here is my blog post "It Smells Like Blueberries" to read more on the story.

9.  Receive satisfaction in changing a poopy diaper.  
     Although messy, it's wonderful to see proof that my baby is eating well and is growing strong.  Even if this means a poop spray or two onto mom, dad, and whatever else is in range.

10.  Post a dozen pictures of my baby on FB.  
       Well, I don't, but my hubby does.  And I LOVE it!  So what if we are proud parents...this stage will go by too quickly and we live too far away from most of our loved ones for them to see her progressions.

11.  Spend time looking at photos/videos of other people's babies...
       ...rather than going out with my friends - BTW I still LOVE going out with my friends, but I also enjoy lounging at home, looking at precious little ones that God has created.  Go Moms!

Here is a good verse that encourages me to avoid comparisons and judgements.  Rather, I desire to be the mother that God desires me to be, full of grace, love and humility towards other moms!

Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."


  1. Brittany, I love your honesty. I love what you wrote and I think other moms need to see it. You should send it into or attachment parenting international. Seriously good stuff mama! You are something secure in who you are. As Joan of Arc said"I am not afraid, I was born to do this!"

    1. Thanks so much friend! I just want to share my thoughts and say things that maybe others are afraid or ashamed to never know what can speak to someone or what they can relate to. It's always nice to know we are not in this alone! BTW, I honored that you enjoy this, since I look up to you tons as a mama! XOXO

  2. I came across your blog, and your husbands blog from a facebook post of your pregnancy in pictures (also saw your other website - Brilliant!)!! I wanted to tell you that reading your blogs and learning about your journey is a blessing to me in such a perfect time in my life. I got married 4 months ago and my husband and I just returned from a 2 week mission trip with our church in South Africa. We fell head over heels in love with the culture, and the people, especially the kids, but were also heartbroken over the devastation and pain we saw. We are dealing with the re-entry process now and it is not easy. My husband and I process things very differently, and while hes planning the school hes going to build in ZA with our partners (RockHarbor church in Costa Mesa, CA and and our moving plans for relocation there in the next 10 months, Im trying not to freak out that he wants to take my stability and change the plans we have made for our lives (I do realize that God laughs at me when I talk about "our" plans :-]). Your honesty and humor is refreshing and such a blessing. Thank you for sharing your life and being transparent. It is clear that God is doing great things within you and through you in South Africa. I admire your faith and pray that God will continue to bless you, provide for you, comfort you, and show you more of himself throughout your journey! God bless you!

    1. Thank you so much Erin! I'm so glad that you are I am too, hearing a short piece of your story. That is so exciting that you are moving to Africa, but I understand the emotional roller coaster you are experiencing. It isn't easy just leaving everything you know, even if you feel strongly about God calling you to something. It's important for us as sojourners, to embrace each moment we have with those loved ones around us and take a piece of them with us, wherever we go. I recommend finding a friend or two that you can be transparent with, before and after you move. It helps to be your true self with a few people that you can express your fears and doubts with, along with your joys and successes. BTW, my husband and I used to go to Rock Harbor when we went to Vanguard University. Small world! Blessings to you and your husband as well.
